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captain charon's goodle shack

CAPTAIN CHARON'S Goodle Shack is a fast food restaurant situated in the town square of RESPITE. It sells well... Goodles. Goodles look like noodles but are in fact the stringy tentacles of the TIAMAT (a giant jelly fish monstrosity that drifts about in the CROOKED STRAIT). Apparently they taste pretty good and have a slightly intoxicating 'numbing' effect. 

The building itself is a ramshackle construction made mostly using the remains of CAPTAIN CHARON'S old ship. The rear of the building is coated in oversized barnacles and shellfish. 

CAPTAIN CHARON originally built the vessel to explore the vast seas surrounding the BLASTLANDS. The voyage ended abruptly when she ran into the TIAMAT adrift in the CROOKED STRAIT. She lost half her vessel and all of her crew to the monster.

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Half the salvaged vessel was used to create the Goodle Shack and the dismembered tentacles of the TIAMAT became well... the Goodles. The TIAMAT is so large (about 200km in diameter) that Charon often replenishes her Goodle supply without the monster even noticing.

The GOODLE SHACK is a popular night spot for the the citizens of RESPITE. No one knows the long term effects of consuming toxic Jellyfish tentacles, but considering the life expectancy of one living in the GUTTERLANDS... does it matter.

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