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captain charon

Captain Charon is the owner of the GOODLE SHACK situated in the town square of RESPITE. Captain Charon began her life as a galactic cruise ship captain. This obviously wasn't enough for Charon.

Charon came to THE GUTTERLANDS looking for adventure and exploration. She built an old fashioned ship to sail the mysterious seas that surround the BLASTLAND. This ended badly due to an encounter with the Tiamat (a colossal jellyfish).

Despite this set back, Charon founded CHARONPORT on the coast as a set off point for future explorers. She reclaimed the remains of her ship and turned it into a fast food stall in RESPITE - CAPTAIN CHARON'S GOODLE SHACK.


Captain Charon is well known and well liked amongst the citizens of RESPITE. MR MAYOR is especially fond of her (perhaps a little too fond). Her exploration days are slowing down but she will set off on adventures once in a while. She has devoted her life to mapping The GUTTERLANDS.

One day she plans to head south across the CROOKED STRAIT to the BLANKLANDS. A continent completely unexplored by humans so far. 

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